#JoinBertus — a new networking idea for people with passion
- Magda Pluszewska
- Tekst
- Tomasz Fąfara
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- Translation
At the beginning of November, the VIVE Kielce sports club launched a marketing offensive aimed at refreshing relations with Sponsors and Partners of the PGE VIVE Kielce team. One of the results is the creation of a completely new idea — a networking project #JoinBertus, addressed to entrepreneurs from all over Poland.
Project #JoinBertus assumes the creation of a community of entrepreneurial people around the PGE VIVE Kielce team. This community is to gather people willing to exchange experiences, mutual motivation, joint projects and activities for the benefit of Polish sport. The work begins at the level of the youngest adepts — the future of Polish handball — and ends with building a team able to compete with the best in the world.
I have great faith in people and love to bring them together in joint ventures. My conviction supported by my business experience suggests that there are no impossible things — says the President of KS VIVE Handball S.A., Bertus Servaas.
Membership in the #JoinBertus project involves a fee of PLN 500 per month. In this package, the entrepreneur (but also any other person willing to take part in this initiative) receives a number of measurable benefits, such as promotion of their activity through the PGE VIVE Kielce team, discounts for advertising services, access to special shopping offers for PGE VIVE Kielce Partners and points which can be exchanged for products and services according to their own preferences, e.g. PGE VIVE Kielce match T-shirts or meetings with players.
The most important benefit, however, is the participation in creating a community of people with a passion for improving their qualifications, broadening their horizons and improving their reality. Membership in the #JoinBertus project guarantees a minimum of two networking meetings a year with the participation of experienced and well-known business-world speakers, whose aim will be to integrate the members, create a fertile ground for sowing new business ideas and inspire innovative actions.
It was my first task to convince people who are very good at what they do to cooperate. James B. Bączek, Robert Krool, Wojciech Herra are among the people who are with us. These are great people who know how to organize events, they are great speakers. We also want to organize a congress that will last all day. Everyone would have different lecture topics — explains President Servaas.
In a short period of time more than 60 entrepreneurs applied for the project. Here are the first of them:
- ABC Work from Biała Podlaska,
- Pharmacy "Na Rogatce" from Kielce,
- INVEST SECURE SP. Z O.O. S. K. from Wrocław,
- OPARA Budownictwo Sp. z o.o. S.K. from Kielce,
- WGT Sp. z o.o. from Kielce,
- Wytwórcza Spółdzielnia Pracy "Społem" from Kielce,
- Expres Dach Jacek Oworuszko from Kielce,
- SUPON sp. z o.o. from Kielce,
- Instal Service from Kielce,
- Dom Mody Fantazjusz from Kielce.
Anyone can join the project. The marketing team of VIVE Kielce Club has even prepared a special discount package for students who create their first companies while still at the university and would like to join a community where relations will be created beyond the classic framework of business connections and where they can learn from more experienced entrepreneurs.
If you are interested, please contact the project supervisor, Sebastian Kozubek: s.kozubek@kielcehandball.pl.
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