03.04.2020, 15:21
News Off the court

Learn languages with PGE VIVE Kielce players!

  • Magda Pluszewska
  • Article

  • Piotr Domagała
  • Video

Piotr Domagała

  • Translation

Are you staying at home for another week and don't know what to do with yourself? Are you tired of browsing through memes, solving crosswords, and you know all the quotes of Netflix series characters by heart? Don't waste any more time, because even though you spend it at home in quarantine, it's still very valuable!

PGE VIVE Kielce players offer their fans the opportunity to learn other languages. Quickly, easily and without leaving home, which is particularly important at this time. Julen Aginagalde, Alex and Dani Dujshebaev and Angel Fernandez will talk about the basics of Spanish, Romaric Guillo will present useful phrases from French, Andreas Wolff will teach you some German vocabulary, Artsem Karalek and Uladzislau Kulesh will introduce you to the Belarusian language and Doruk Pehlivan will try to explain the basics of Turkish. The Poles, on the other hand, will conduct PE lessons for children.

It's hard to find better teachers! Because who is better at teaching a language than a native speaker who himself still struggles with Polish, so he knows how difficult it is to learn foreign words? We hope that many of you will enjoy the lesson as a way to overcome boredom, and some may even decide to start learning one of the languages seriously!

As part of the first lesson, which is already available on our YouTube channel, Angel Fernandez introduces fans to Spanish.

"Gracias is thank you, por favor is please, perdon means excuse me or sorry. And my favorite one! No endiento, which means I don't understand" – Angel is laughing, writing more phrases on the board.

 Angel Fernandez: Spanish Lesson No 1

In the next episode, Daniel Dujshebaev will take the fans to a higher level of Spanish. Subscribe to our channel on YouTube and don't miss any of the lessons!


This article was translated by FATIX. If you are looking for professional translation services, check them up at www.fatix.eu.