"Strength is here, in mind," says Dujshebaev
- Magda Pluszewska
- Content
"Road to 18th title" is a handball documentary like never before! Club TV of Łomża Vive Kielce unveiled the backstage of the last weeks of the 2020/2021 season, in which Talant Dujshebaev's players had to swallow the bitterness of their failure in the Champions League and quickly recover to win the eighteenth-ever title of the Polish Champion.
- When we lost against Nantes at home, it was the end of the world for me - says Talant Dujshebaev, sitting in the quiet coaching room in Hala Legionow - Many people considered these words very strong ones, but I really did not want to live anymore.
- We were sitting in the changing room and nobody could believe in what happened - recalls Igor Karačić.
These bitter words begins the story presented in the documentary film prepared by Łomża Vive Kielce Club TV. A story that takes viewers through scenes which cannot be seen on a daily basis. Because in the end we all only see happy people raising trophies. Only few know what happened before.
- He can make his mistake, you can make yours. But you made his mistake and he understood nothing. He thinks now that it was not his problem – Talant reprimands Nicolas Tournat in one of the scenes.
- You are Polish. You are strong and until your nose is broken, until your brain comes out, you won't understand. Strength is here, in mind. David against Goliath cannot go like this – he explains to young Michał Olejniczak.
- The losses that we took are like scars on my heart. I'm burning for next season to begin to erase memory of what happened – admits Andreas Wolff.
These are just some of the words that we will hear in the movie. The material is pouring a new light on the functioning of a professional sports team. A light that is not bright at all.
"Road to 18th title" is a handball documentary like never before! Club TV of Łomża Vive Kielce unveiled the backstage of the last weeks of the 2020/2021 season, in which Talant Dujshebaev's players had to swallow the bitterness of their failure in the Champions League and quickly recover to win the eighteenth-ever title of the Polish Champion. A title that guarantees participation in the elite European competitions in the next – and therefore the current – season.
How did the process recovery look like? Who suffered it the most? How was the team motivated by coach Talant Dujshebaev and how did the team deal with his absence due to his suspension? These are just some of the questions that you will find answers to in the video. In addition, the documentary shows i.a. difficult relations in the team between some players, the secrets of the philosophy of one of the best coaches in the world and the enormity of pressure and requirements that professional athletes face in everyday life.
The premiere of the film took place on the day before the inauguration of the Champions League season in Kielce, on September 22th. The material can be viewed on the club's YouTube channel.