New formula of the #dawajDAWAJ magazine
- Magda Pluszewska
- Text
- Anna Benicewicz-Miazga
- Photo
- Translation
The #dawajDAWAJ zine is making a come back! For the third season, the fans sitting in the stands of the Hala Legionów during PGE VIVE Kielce matches will be able to enjoy a unique club publication, which evolved into a magazine with over fifty pages this season.
The first copy will have its premiere at the Wednesday match against Tarnów on October 2. The new formula of the publication guarantees the readers much more content. In the autumn issue fans will find interviews with new PGE VIVE Kielce players, Doruk Pehlivan and Romarik Guillo, as well as with Bartlomiej Bis – a home-grown player who is playing for NMC Górnik Zabrze starting this season.
Inside you will also find a comprehensive text about the generation of young handball players born in 2000 and 2001, who are worth watching on the PGNiG Superliga courts, and the announcement of a great farewell to the fans from the Slovenian handball virtuoso, Uroš Zorman, currently second coach, and previously PGE VIVE player, who in October, together with his friend from the field, Luka Žvižej will organize a demonstration match with the participation of great handball stars in Celje.
The #dawajDAWAJ Magazine will return with regular columns known to the fans from the past seasons, such as a summary of the most important events of previous weeks, the PGE VIVE schedule or the line-ups of the rival teams.
Free copies of #dawajDAWAJ traditionally can be found in the fan shop and in the stands located at the entrances to the Hala Legionów sectors. Texts from previous issues of the zines can be found on our website in the tab #dawajDAWAJ [LINK].
This article was translated by FATIX. If you are looking for professional translation services, check them up at www.fatix.eu.